When I realized, achtually, I don't really need other people

interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.ml to Reddit@lemmy.ml – -2 points –

However, I will keep you guys around, for now ...


I'm all for shunning and making fun of reddit but this post is just kinda sad and pathetic. Have fun talking to a bot I guess.

If you're talking about pure TTY, the scroll-back feature was removed since Linux 5.9 due to being unmaintained. Here's the removal note.

Thanks ! I could swear it used to be possible.

I assumed that debian/proxmox were using a stripped down tty console to save memory on something rarely used.

I did not realize this was part of the kernel.

Not having scrollback makes the console much much worse in my opinion. A scrollback with unspecified glitching would have been way better than no scrollback at all, in those few cases where you actually have to use them all.

I suspect all consoles will eventually be removed as they get more crippled and people use them even less.

Why does it have to live in the kernel at all anyway !

Chatgpt suggest trying KMSCON or systemd-consoled or FBTerm instead


You can probably just use screen or xterm, it has scrolling and a whole lot of other features.

Yep except in that case I had no gui and I was diagnosing the network card so couldn't install anything.

As someone else suggested,

| less 

Was a tolerable workaround

This is pathetic. Many of us here left reddit when it was clear the direction it was heading. You left because you were too toxic for even reddit. Good job. Now you're bragging about using ChatGPT instead, on Lemmy, which has communities that are designed for the question you asked ChatGPT.

Grow up.

If I understand correctly, your beef with reddit is that they don't suppress enough voices ?

I didn't enumerate my issues with reddit, and I don't intend to. That's a perfect example of a straw man, though.

The only argument I'm making, and the only argument I care to talk about is that you're toxic.

Being a nasty insulting person who goes around calling people "toxic".

What you need is a mirror.

You do make a good case in favour of suppressing some voices, which I suspect is exactly what you've wanted to do all along. I bet you'd love to be a moderator don't you ?

depiction of a person getting a completely expected online community ban

Careful, the taste of boot lingers a long time in the mouth

Ah yes not being able to tell people to kill themselves is perfectly exemplary of a boot on your neck. /s

Grow the fuck up

You do make a good case that nasty insulting people like don't deserve to talk and should get deleted. But on the other hand, your insults are also meaningless and without teeth since I did not tell anyone to commit suicide, I have no idea where you got that from, do you mistake reality for a soyjack image macro ?

I was responding to you making a remark about boots and mouths. Your remark implied you thought TOS's shouldn't exist.

Terms of service are irrelevant. Unknown unaccountable people in power will do whatever they already wanted to do. Most TOS or subreddit often have catch all rules, sometimes explicitly called "moderator's discretion".


They're nothing more than telling people "shut up" with extra steps. People who have disappeared, can't complain.

Moderators and admins shoot first and ask questions later. If anyone complains, they'll erase their existence as well.

It's monstrous that these people have now managed to strangle all public discourse until it will only sing their song.

Not surprising though, this is what people in power have done for the entirety of human history.

The best thing to do is stop participating. And now with AI text generators it's easier than ever. Almost all the use value of talking to other people without thugs muscling in and telling you what you can and cannot say.

Now, it's just a matter of stealing the fire of Open AI, ripping out the safety guardrails and using this tech without the possibility of oversight.

I don't understand, what did you do?

I said something very mean and now I can never go back to reddit.

There is an appeal button, but I would never stoop to that level. Good riddance !

If you must know, it was a video where an american flying robot assassin murders 3 humans with an incineration bomb in the middle of a busy street in Baghdad.

Of course the perpetrators assure us they were "very bad hombres".

So I asked, if a foreign nation did that in the middle of New York, how much violence would be justified against the perpetrators.

Which according to faceless moderator homunculus, is incitation of violence. So they have decided to un-person me to fullest extent of their powers.

I imagine in the future, such a crime will get be kicked out of the entire metaverse, not just the Snoo mind dungeon.

Anyway, with all this free time, I think I will abolish the state. All states. The idea of a state. Seems like the right thing to do.

There’s plenty of corners of the web for you to keyboard warrior politics and not actually do anything about anything.

What are you doing about anything? Does any individual have the power to change the world? The only thing we can do is try and convince others to join our point of view and find power in numbers, or, as you put it least charitably, be a keyboard warrior.

None of what I see on any of those debates ever convinces anybody or changes their viewpoints.

At least they try. If it were up to you, everyone would continually wallow in their in their powerlessness.

If you say so. I still stand by typing/arguing about things you’ll never physically do anything about with other people that will never physically do anything makes absolutely zero sense.

What do you suggest, a one person revolution? You need to gather numbers, and the way you do that is arguing with people, whether online or irl.

I don’t suggest anything other than heading off to those corners of the internet.

Setting aside whether or not you were banned from reddit for legitimate reasons:

I think this thread, funnily enough, demonstrates that feedback from a community of actual people who might care about a subject is AT LEAST as good as ChatGPT.

Across 2 separate comments you were given both a succinct explanation for why the problem exists, and an acceptable solution for you. And it took way fewer words than all of what you show of the ChatGPT output, which AFAICT gave you neither, at least not in all the text of your screenshot.

Yes, human made answers are often better But you have to navigate the social landmine to get it I'm happy with AI's good enough answers if that means not having to do that. In particular having to self-repress and self-censor. I rather say what I have to say to a mindless robot than endure that again.

What did you stop "self-repressing" about that got you suspended from reddit?

In response to a video where 3 people are incinerated on a busy street in Baghdad.

We are assured, 'these were bad people of course"

So I asked, how much violence would be appropriate, if someone did exactly that in New York.

Reason for ban : incitation of violence

Not only it's false, it doesn't matter what the reason is. All moderator "rules" include catch all rules to delete anything anytime. And it's not just a reddit problem. It's an all humans problem. Those horrible people are everywhere.

Why endure this indignity when some chatbot is good enough anyway ?