Egypt to Accept Ethnically-Cleansed Gaza Refugees, Builds New Camp to World – 22 points –
BREAKING: Egypt to Accept Ethnically-Cleansed Gaza Refugees, Builds New Camp – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم

Building camps with the intent of keeping them in camps. Right out of the playbook. Israel takes all the heat and no one says boo about the appalling conditions they'll be kept in.

Is ridding Gaza of Hamas feasible even with this move?

can anybody say bullshit?

It is total bullshit that my government is covering for a genocidal regime and providing the arms used to carry out this ethnic cleansing.

Suporting wars and selling arms generates jobs. Can't buy a house on a burger flipper's salary, but an anti-personnel mine assembly line overseer can feed a family of four... 😐

If you search for this story what do you find?

When a story is breaking, especially when that story is mentioned to be actively suppressed by the Egyptian government, it might take a few days for the story to appear in other publications. In this case it took 1-2 days after this was posted. Here is what I found when I searched:

Wall Street Journal


The Guardian



Associated Press

This is a small sample of what I found.

Which one says anything about the Gazan Refugees being Ethnically-Cleansed?

I misunderstood you, I thought you were questioning the subject of the news story. Although this particular article only used "ethnic cleansing" as a description of what the secular state of Israel is doing to Palestinians in Gaza you are correct to say the article assumes the reader is already aware of the ethnic cleansing occurring in Gaza and doesn't make that specific argument here.

If you are interested in why it is accurate to describe the actions of the Likud-lead state of Israel against Palestinian civilians as ethnic cleansing, this application for court proceedings does an excellent job establishing the legal case for genocide including support for the claim of ethnic cleansing. Legally, in a preliminary ruling the International Court of Justice has found that the charge of genocide is plausible and the case will move forward.

My problem was with the "Ethnically-cleansed" crap. The construction in the Egyptian buffer zone (or whatever you prefer to call it) was known back then.

What is the preferred term for forcing an ethnic group to vacate their homes through direct violence and depriving them of the things which are necessary to sustain life?