Michelle Rodriguez Applies the Unix Philosophy to Acting

Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 84 points –

The short version of the Unix philosophy is basically, "Do one thing, and do it well".

Michelle Rodriguez basically plays the same basic character in every movie: tough girl / tomboy who doesn't take crap from anyone, usually wears a tank top, and dies about as often as Sean Bean.

And it's not a bad thing.

While I haven't seen every film she's done, I have seen a lot of them, and she gives a stellar performance every time.

So she may play the "same character" over and over, but she does it very well.


I highly recommend the Dungeons & Dragons movie. MR and CP had great chemistry.

I just watched it yesterday, it was incredibly fun. Sad I slept on it for so long.

That's the second time I've seen that that mentioned today. Definitely going to have to check that out.

It's fantastic, drop what you're doing and go watch it now

That's just called being typecast, and it's super common. It's actually pretty uncommon for high profile actors to escape that typecast.

Yeah, it is. But I think MR is probably one of the most typecast actors out there. I read a while back that she is well aware of that and even supports it.

Edit: Not the article I was looking for, but has the same gist in a different interview:


For no good reason: I cannot stand her. I wish her no harm. I don’t hate her, but I want her to stop being in anything. I probably need help.

I'm pretty sure I heard her voice in Halo 2 as well. Playing random-ass no-name marine NPCs. Must be from before she got really big.

She was in Halo 2! I forgot about that. I think she was already big but just wanted to do it. On the Resident Evil commentary she talked about how she loved Half Life and smashing zombies with a crowbar so she probably was a fan of Halo as well.