Is there any way to see what communities someone is subscribed to? to No Stupid – 23 points –

Pretty sure the answer is no, just double checking before subbing to some, uh, weirder interests.


I hear the best way to get the right answer on the internet is to say something untrue and have someone correct you, so I am gonna say that yes, the administrator of your instance can see what you are subscribed to, or at the very least can see what users in their instance are subscribed to. (Please correct me someone if I am wrong)

Things you (depending on lemmy or kbin) upvote, downvote, boost, comment, post, users you follow, and users who follow you can be seen by others (or at least on Kbin we can see them, not sure if the UI on lemmy does the same). Communities you sub to are just seen by yourself however.

I think being able to see upvotes and downvotes is a little too far for comfort. I can confirm that on Lemmy I don't seem to have any way to see what you've voted on.

I have a very poor understanding of what Kbin is - does it allow you to see what I've upvoted/downvoted even though I only use Lemmy? Does it only apply to posts or comments too?

Admins on Lemmy can see it all too if the want. It all gets federated between instances.

Sorry ignore the upvotes and downvotes part, misspoke regarding those two.

As for what kbin is: Lemmy, but different software. Still uses the same protocol and functions basically the same as lemmy but coded from scratch instead of just using the same software the rest of lemmy does., for example)

Cool - thanks for clarifying. The rest of the things you mentioned being shared sound pretty expected to me - so as long as upvotes/downvotes are hidden I'm happy.

Ok did some more digging cause I saw some mixed info and I wanted to be sure lol.

So final answer: Yes on Kbin we can see those things. Any post we click on (for example I'm using this one on, viewed through On every post (regardless of what instance it's on) we have an Activity button which when you click on will show you the Boosts (a kbin thing equal to a Twitter retweet), favourites (upvotes), reduces (downvotes, if you're somewhere that supports them), and all info is public (here is a screenshot which I censored, however I assure you I am regular bumble-fuck-user-#213™.

So yes everything is public. I can't find a way to find it on a person's account, but on specific threads you can see it. A person may have to dig a bit for it, but it is public indeed. Whether anyone on Lemmy can see the same thing, or ever will, I have no idea, but we can on Kbin and it does count across the Fediverse it appears.

WTF, the activity button is also on comments. So you can literally see a full list of users who upvoted or downvoted you.

I'm guessing it was done for transparency, but it just seems ripe for abuse. People can take things like downvotes way too seriously. I've seen unhinged users on Reddit go harassing a commenter who disagreed with them.

I do not like this "feature".

Yeah, I would rather not get abusive DMs from some loser demanding to know why I downvoted them. At least don't show lemmy users' votes. Kbin users can agree to opt-in to that by using the service, we can't.

I don't think there is. People can see if you post there though.

Well there's no way to make them public from the Settings (yet?) Best thing you can do is be bold enough and ask them haha.