Been getting this on Firefox (stable and beta) to – 60 points –

This is the first I've seen something like this on Linux. I'm using endeavourOS and update my system fairly regularly. Is this "normal"?

Firefox is v122 installed from the Aur normal arch repositories with pacman.

edit: added install method

edit 2: corrected install method


Since you installed it from the AUR, it was likely installed to /opt/firefox-bin, which is not writable by the user. If you want to use firefox's update checker instead of flapak (or maybe yay), you'll need to have write access to this directory or install it into your home dir (ex: $HOME/.local/share/firefox).

Note It's recommended to use the firefox from the software packages or flatpak. These versions have the update checker disabled.

Here's something should make it work for any user. Though it might break on an actual AUR update.

DISCLAIMER: This is probably very insecure. Only let people you trust update firefox. Seriously, just install from the official repository or use the flatpak.

Create a group named firefox and add yourself to it. Set the group owner of the firefox directory to firefox. If you have other users you want to be able to update firefox, add them to the firefox group as well.

groupadd firefox -U $USER
find /opt/firefox-bin -exec chown :firefox {} +
find /opt/firefox-bin -exec chmod g+w {} +

Then log out and back in.

This reads like someone explaining how to cook a pizza with a propane torch. I love it.

What install method did you use? Aur/Flatpak/Binary (DDL)?

Aur. Iโ€™ll add that to the post now

Is there a reason you installed from the AUR instead of the normal Arch repositories? (pacman)

Honestly, I always (at least in my head) thought of the AUR and normal arch repositories as the same. TIL.

To correct myself, I installed Firefox with pacman.

Weird that youโ€™re having issues with the arch repo install, Iโ€™ve been running firefox from them for years and not had any issues

During compilation the updater is disabled. Report a bug to the endeavoros people they need to add that parameter