I'm looking forward to new O'Reilly book

jeff 👨‍💻@programming.dev to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 25 points –

Getting Started with Dwarf Fortress exists which I still find hilarious.

Aw man, its a custom design.

I'd love the classic animal template but with a kea holding a steppladder.

I need to buy this book!

Though since it's over a decade old, it will most likely be only a decoration.

Then again, most mechanics didn't change much.

With the Steam release of the game with the full GUI I have no idea how relevant it is now lol.

Finally an up to date edition! I'm still using the old book, Copying and Pasting from StackOverflow

I wonder if someone has already created a bot that asks chat-GPT to create a piece of code, grabs it to try and run it, and then just goes back and forth with chat-GPT to fix the errors. Now the code would probably be a complete mess, but I wonder if non-coders could use it to create helpful one-off tools they can't find anywhere else.

It definitely exists - there's something that goes:

  1. generates code
  2. feed code back in and ask ChatGPT if it has any bugs (yes/no answer)
  3. if no, done, otherwise feed code back in and ask ChatGPT to fix it
  4. goto step 2

I can't find the link now, but you might also be interested in Auto-GPT.