Scrum Rule to – 237 points –

There's a community for programming humor. I like it, just letting you know

Post here anyway rule

Exactly, I said I like the meme. Lemmy is new, not everybody knows about the new communities. Someone who posts this meme may also want to join the programmer humor community

Sorry didn’t mean to be rude was just being silly

Oh you're good! I wasn't trying to be rude, text is hard to convey tone. More just wanted to clarify that I wasn't trying to be rude or be like "wrong community"

Every time I see the message in Slack from my boss that "We've started grooming, pls join" I just feel gross

This. Agile is good, as in agile manifesto. All other agile is enterprise level garbage.

Just check out SAFe and the agile release train for more of this bs.