Jerboa not allowing screenshots

Steal to – 31 points –

Opened jerboa today, it says this app does not allow screenshots lmfao

Edit: I cleared the apps cache and data and now it works 💪


In 61 a migration is borked, this caused some appsettings to be switched around. So previsously if you had custom tabs enabled, this would enable the prevent screenshots setting.

Now I fixed this, so this means those who changed them will see them swap again. And those who haven't upgrade yet won't notice anything. There should be release tomorrow which address all the bugs introduced in this update. Sorry for the inconvenience!

There's a "Prevent screenshots" checkbox in the settings under "Look and feel"

Same happened to me yesterday alongside other issues.

I had to clear the app's data.

Also the bottom buttons are hidden behind main content

So weird because I constantly take screenshots in Jerboa, and I've never had a problem

Yes I constantly take screnshots as well, and have never had a problem either. 🤷‍♀️

Seems like it updated over night, also im on android, idk if that matters

Huh, same. That probably shouldn't be the case.

Edit: just realized this is a setting under "Look and Feel."

Did not install the latest yet but screenshots are working for me