happy spring equinox!

autumn (she/they)@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 38 points –

are you doing anything to celebrate? do you typically observe the “solar holidays?”

i usually have a bonfire with friends to mark the passage of time, but it snuck up on me this year. maybe i can light a candle instead and let that be enough.


Happy Ostara! I'm spending some extra time in the gardens today, even though our overnight lows this week prevent me from doing anything very serious with that time.

I typically don't, but a bonfire with friends sounds like a fun tradition to start.

While I do have a brush pile stacked and ready to go, my area is currently under a high fire danger warning due to the dry and windy conditions. Maybe the autumnal equinox will have more favorable conditions.

It's a very warm and springy day here in Salt Lake, supposed to be 67 degrees. But I'm sick with a bad cold, so - no celebrating. I managed to get through the winter without getting sick, but now - of course now I come down with it.

We have been trying to celebrate the solar holidays more but the spring ones haven't felt right. It's still so cold and we got 7 inches of snow forecasted this week. We might celebrate more when it feels like spring. Likely at Beltane.