Meta and the Fediverse: The Duopoly that could shape the Web to come to – -35 points –
Meta and the Fediverse: The Duopoly that could shape the Web to come

Here are some lines from article.

The Fediverse will soon have power on the social web to shape its future, but only through and in the interaction with Meta. This is the reality the Fediverse has to start arranging itself with

it will shape the web in the next couple of years and that means, it would be a good idea to study it. At first, it could look like an unfair battle, but in fact, Meta has some weaknesses as well just as the Fediverse has some advantages.

Also: Meta is playing for time: the Copernican revolution of the social progresses merciless, and they can only somewhat control the consequences of this. At the same time, the open Fediverse will also have to be willing for this indirect coalition with Meta and if they will do that is nowhere near certain.

What a load of crap

the futures of both Meta and the Fediverse are heavily intertwined: both are dependent on one another for their success.

That very much depends on your definition of success. If that means monetization, then probably, yes. But if you mean quality content (for the fediverse), I very much doubt it.

Seems like meta views fediverse as a threat to monopoly.

I also wouldn't say fediverse needs to embrace meta. It can continue being what is wants and meta has to account for it. Fediverse doesn't have to be mainstream. Aside from Dev support, it's probably better to stay niche.