Trump would send his 'good-looking' daughter Ivanka to business deals because he thought 'all men want to sleep with her,' Michael Cohen claims to politics – 182 points –
Trump would send his 'good-looking' daughter Ivanka to business deals because he thought 'all men want to sleep with her,' Michael Cohen claims

Michael Cohen claimed Donald Trump said about Ivanka: "All women want to be her, and all men want to sleep with her,'"


He's just that good at business. Acting like he wants to bang his own daughter has always been a 4D Chess move. /s

Too many comments commenting on Ivanka's perceived attractiveness...the point is this cretin sexualizes his own daughter. Show me a father who does that who isn't a disgusting pile of shit that should be exiled to a swamp. These people see women as objects, not people with agency.

Not just sexualizing her. Implicitly (as far as we know) pimping out his daughter to business associates. Given the shit he’s been personally involved in (numerous sexual assaults; Epstein), I would not be entirely shocked if things went quite a bit further than that. So that’s cool.

Exactly. I don't care if she's ugly or the most beautiful woman there ever was. The key takeaway here isn't Ivanka's beauty, but that Trump lusted after his own daughter so much that he just assumed all other men lust over her.

And then he piles onto that disgusting mess by basing her entire worth as a human on what she could do to further his goals.

It's amazing how Trump always finds a way to make disgusting things even worse. It would almost be impressive if he wasn't so dangerous.

I think the point is just so obvious that we don't even need to say anything about what a pig he is. We all know.

Everyone talking about if she is or isnt pretty as if that's the point

It’s indicative of his entire shtick where he relentlessly insists that “my ________ is the best”. So why wouldn’t he trot out his decidedly mid daughter as some sort of beauty when actually she’s just another fake Trump property. SMH.

I can safely say that I have never found anything about her attractive. I do not mean that as a put down, it's just that she doesn't do it for me in any way. With that in mind, and unless I am an extreme anomaly, Donnie's plan to pimp out his daughter might not have been the best.