If warranties are for when things break on their own, and insurance is for accidents, then we should have a separate "warranty" for heart attacks vs "insurance" for trama

van2z@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 14 points –

Or we can do away with the whole health insurance system because the premise of insurance is built on "just in case," but everyone inevitably has something go wrong with their body. So if a health insurance company is going to make money, they need to fleece everybody and not pay out as often as possible.

That's part of the warranty. Make it a free lifetime warranty.

You’re pretty screwed when your insurance company refers you back to the manufacturer for repair.

“Hello; God? It’s me Margaret. I’d like to request an RMA for this kidney”

“Sorry manufacturer defects aren’t covered under insurance.”

Need to buy that extended warranty...

That's pretty much how insurance was designed initially. Once corporate health plans started becoming the norm it became less about risk and more about having a middle man for everything. It's actually a huge cause of why things are so expensive now outside of insurance. They don't actually expect you to pay that.

Don’t give insurance companies any ideas for something they can charge more for or exclude because you have the wrong warranty vs insurance!

Warranties come from manufacturers. So is your heart warranty backed by your parent's savings account? I suppose that's accurate for some people.