accidentily came out to a friend today. I'm a lil worried to – 27 points –

So I wan hanging out with a friend today and I was making a few "gay" jokes and my friend calls me out on this and calls me gay. My dumbass decides to correct him and say I'm bi. Wow I'm stupid


What exactly worries you?

While o doubt he took it seriously my dumbness created s risk of me being outed to my fucking bible study group of all areas

I think I understand now. The only way to be sure he'll be understanding is to really be out to him. Have you considered that? Is he a good option to start? How was his reaction when you corrected him?

Assuming you're close with them, ask them to not tell anyone as you're not ready for it yet.

Are you feeling anxious? If you are, try to take some deep breaths and focus on objects around you. I find that grounding myself to the present moment alleviates some of my anxiety.

They are your friend, right? Do you think your friend would do something that could cause problems for you at home? If so, why?

Is there anything stopping you from talking to them and, plainly, saying that you would very much prefer to keep this between the two of you? Do you think they wouldn't understand?

Damn, that sounds fucking tough. I can offer no advice, but I bet you are strong enough to handle whatever happens next and that you will come out better for it even if it doesn't seem that way at first.