Conservative co-sponsors abandon their own bill after gay politician’s powerful speech to politics – 275 points –
Conservative co-sponsors abandon their own bill after gay politician’s powerful speech

It’s a beautiful thing.

And shocking that people would change their views in this day and age

Sometimes all it takes is one or two people to have a good heart and do the right thing. It's a positive shock for sure

The world needs more good people like this! Trans kids are just kids... Let them live their lives.

Hey it's a spectrum. We're all on it.

No! Lets say everything is binary, and use anecdotes as our primary means of logic!

If we are going to use binary, I vote for IEEE 754. The precision, accuracy, and lack of ambiguity of floating points is what we need for something with the simplicity of gender. /s

Don't forget to throw in misinterpretations of a religious book used to justify fear and hate.