How disheartening for Snowden to do the right thing and be stranded in Russia. to Lemmy – 376 points –

Abhorrent behavior from our representatives, unforgivable.


You spread misinformation, Anyone who cares to do so can verify the info I give below.

Snowden stated from the start that he originally intended to go from Hong Kong to Ecuador, who had promised him asylum. He intentionally gave away all copies of his data, destroying his own, to the journalists who had met him in Hong Kong to evaluate his leaks (verify sources before believing those who claim 'he leaked info to Russia'). He fully intended to be 'clean' if he were interdicted on his way out of Hong Kong.

The US illegally (violating international law! It is illegal for a nation to render their own citizen stateless while abroad) revoked his US passport as he flew to Russia, which he meant to be a temporary stop only to obtain passage on a flight to Ecuador as Ecuadorian officials were to be there in order to receive him.

The President of Ecuador's own Presidential Plane, with the Ecuadorian President onboard was forcibly grounded over EU airspace, by fighter jets, at the USA's behest, on suspicioun that Snowden might be aboard. Snowden was trapped in a Russian airport, against his will, with no valid passport, essentially rendered Stateless -- again, a violation of international law perpetrated by the USA against one of its own citizens.

Imagine the USA's response if Airforce One were forcibly grounded to a foreign airport, by foreign fighter-jets, at the behest of another country.

The President of Ecuador's own Presidential Plane, with the Ecuadorian President onboard was forcibly grounded over EU airspace, by fighter jets

WTF man

I didn't follow his story after he got to Russia. What ever happened with his family? Did he abandon them or are they somehow allowed in Russia as well? Such a weird series of events.

If we were to "UwU" every security camera we come across, how long would it take before they shut down the whole system out of cringe?

enemy spy does enemy spy things and ends up in enemy mafia-owned gas station

oh no!

He didn't do the right thing. He didn't even expose anything we didn't already know. He's a traitor and not even for a good cause.

If you think it's bait, it's because you're in an information silo and don't often come in contact with different opinions. This results in people bein ill-equipped to discuss issues with people who are considering factors you haven't so you have to pretend it's "just someone trolling me" to avoid thinking about another point of view.

For what it's worth, I agree with the above person. Snowden is a traitor, him now being a citizen of an adversary should be a clue. He now has to say whatever Putin wants him to say or he'll fall out of a window.

His plan A wasn't even to escape to Russia, the EU and USA blocked the Ecuadorian plane who was trying to rescue him.