Looking for an artist

Maerman@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 44 points –

Hi. I'm looking for someone willing to make an album cover for an album I'm currently recording. I will pay your going rate, of course. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


Google Fiverr

That's probably the most practical suggestion; thanks. I'll turn to that if this post doesn't get anywhere. I just wanted to ask the fediverse first, for a number of reasons.

Don't trust fiverr

If fiverr had a trial functionality, (say to see if the producer is on the same page with you on the direction of the song) then maybe I would recommend that.

This 'trial' is artist-centered, not enforced by the platform; increasing chances for scam

I've seen gnarly 'artistic' services coming out of fiverr

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What kind of design/style and timeline did you have in mind?

As far as design/style, I have a few specific ideas in mind that I could easily explain to an artist, but I have no stringent requirements. I'm also very flexible on the timeline. This is a hobby project, so there are no deadlines or prerequisites.

I ask bc I'd be interested to take a crack at it, free of charge. It's been a while though since I've done a commissioned piece and with life things it'd be a week or two at the earliest before I could get an initial draft to you, but if you'd like to share the details and have me put something up I can start this weekend

That sounds awesome, although I do want to insist on paying. Your labour is worth something. Can I DM you with the details?

Sounds great. Feel free to DM at your convenience. Re: pay, how about if you like it and choose to go with it you can donate whatever you feel is fair, otherwise no need since I don't want you to pay for something you don't end up going with. I make art for fun anyway so I'll enjoy the process either way :)

Check out Sylvia Ritter, she makes nice album art too: https://www.sylvia-ritter.com/.

Awesome, thanks. I just checked out her website, and it looks great. Thanks for the link. I will definitely consider this as an option.

What kind of music?

It's mostly folky stuff, just acoustic guitar and vocals. Nothing too complex.

I used to do indie album covers, but I have no time now lol.

Do you have a simple concept in mind?

Edit: Keep looking. I may or may not help (prob not) but no charge if I do get the time and inspo in the coming weeks. May as well put it out there.

Valp has done some amazing stuff in the past. Might be on the pricier side, though.

Definitely some beautiful stuff there; thanks for the link. I'll keep him in mind for it.