[SteamGridDB] Pokemon TCG Live DMCA takedown when?

SSUPII@sopuli.xyz to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 16 points –
Pokémon Trading Card Game Live - SteamGridDB

I have reinstalled the game on my Steam Deck, only to notice all images in the database have been removed!

I have read absolutely no news on this, and looking it up only the original takedown for the Pokemon Switch games come up and I even remember then still being up after those were removed.

When did this happen? This is a PC game!


I have read absolutely no news

I mean it shouldn't be news at this point.

This is a blatant violation of Nintendo copyright, a very litigious company that's been known to go after their own fan projects for much less, often completely legitimate and legal services. No one should be surprised.

this happens a lot on steamgriddb. Nintendo takes down a lot of stuff from the website, but I would just skip over the ones taken down and find one from a more recent uploader.

its why I try to keep an eye on the images I've uploaded just in case Nintendo feels like they can stop me. I just re-upload when they do the silly takedown nonsense.

they can't stop us. just grab another that has been recently uploaded for your game art.

Unfortunately it seems not much is left, and who originally uploaded didn't still. The game is not that popular unfortunately it's a quite dead f2p game actually.

the only other thing I can recommend is to make your own images for the art using the sizes indicated by steamgriddb. you can apply them yourself but its a bit of a pain in the ass. so i typically just upload my own and use the sgdboop to put them on.

Not really a Steam deck issue, but I know Nintendo does a lot of copyright strikes on Steamgriddb images.

I almost feel like making shitty mspaint versions of popular Nintendo game box art and upload them to steamgridb to use unironically for my library.

Sounds pretty funny actually, I'd enjoy showing someone my deck library and having it all be ms paint.

On this game I just got an idea about making a Palworld Trading Card Game images set

That's true, but had no idea where else I could post this. I felt this was the closest community.

Oh no please don't hurt the small financially limited indy company nintendo with your big mean image databases. :(

Sakurai is now starving because we uploaded an image of a Pokemon on the web. How can you be so mean?