DEA Sanctions Religious Use Of Ayahuasca But Refuses Psilocybin For Cancer Patients' Pain Relief to Not The – 154 points –
DEA Sanctions Religious Use Of Ayahuasca But Refuses Psilocybin For Cancer Patients' Pain Relief

Wow I’m so glad this agency - which is not predominantly staffed by chemists, pharmacologists, psychiatrists, or neurologists - is calling the shots for what is and isn’t ok to use in a therapeutic context.


I’m sure the satanic temple could work out a solution here.

Not to say that TST can't contribute to this fight, but I feel it's worth pointing out that others are filling the role for now, as there are other religious organizations which include psilocybin in their rituals. For example, - and there plenty others in the SF Bay area too.

Wasn’t aware of them, good to know. I also don’t want to offend people whose religions actually involve these things, it’s their right for spriritualty and their beliefs. I mostly have issues with the religions imposing their will on non believers and “religions” like the satanic temple and pastafarians are more for using their words against them in a malicious compliance sort of way.

I'm sorry. My religion strictly forbids adherence to arbitrary decisions made by government entities about what we put in our bodies. It's one of our highest commandments.

Pretty sure DEA allows religious use of Ayahuasca because the government lost a court case on free-exercise-of-religion grounds.

No court case has established a specific right to treat cancer with psilocybin.