First time my kid actually handles a gamepad properly. (Halls of Torment) to Steam – 107 points –

Game is Halls of Torment so only left stick is needed ๐Ÿ˜Š

Not familiar with this game, but it seems cool. It looks like Vampire Survivors in the style of Diablo.

That is exactly it. Made in Godot if someone is interested.

Why do users often mention that as a feature? Does that really affect anything other than the development experience?

Hm just fanboyism ๐Ÿ˜… Itโ€™s still not as popular as Unity or Unreal but slowly itโ€™s getting traction. So itโ€™s quite exciting to see Godot games being successful.

Godot games are easy to mod I guess. But yeah it's mostly fanboyism. It's a cool engine.

Is it still handling "properly" when the tiny little fingers can't reach any buttons?

I found this style controller fits very well in childrens hands.

Also, the buttons match a steam controller/deck. And steam recognizes it well as an Xbox controller.