Cosy, brainless games when you're sick to – 9 points –

I’m trying to get through an unpleasant cold, do you have title recommendations for a half-dead, bored brain?

I just finished Roadwarden before getting sick, but the amount of text and story is a no-no. Possibly a somewhat cutesy game where I can just do a few brainless clicks now and then would be perfect.


This is when I go to mobile gaming because I could play in my bed. For me it's mostly:

  • Stardew Valley
  • Emulating JRPGs
  • Doing dailies on my gacha games ---> really brainless clicks lol
  • Magic Survival - Could easily make me play for hours upon hours
  • Night of the Full Moon

What is a gacha game?

it's a kind of game that features character collection via random drops from lootboxes and events

Not sure it’s what you’re looking for, but A Short Hike is a very comfy game. I first played it in the first few months of the pandemic and it was a pleasant escape from things. Fun exploration, nice aesthetic, and good music

Maybe a city building game?

Bloons isn't too involved but it can get intense

What about games like kona, abzu, firewatch, a short hike, etc. A lot of exploring

Dragon Quest Builders 2, its like a better more objective driven Minecraft with Animal crossing elements. I have been playing this on and off since it released when i have nothing else to play or when i am bored. the characters talk a lot but you can ignore it.

  • Brotato, you play with a single stick much of the time. Only need to push buttons between stages when you pick upgrades.
  • Superflight, also single stick, you can make it as casual or risky as you want
  • Dorfromantik, if you play casually and just make a pretty landscape

They all play great on the Steam Deck.

Minecraft is the coziest game for me. Whenever I want to just zone out, but feel productive, it's a good option.

A few brainless clicks now and then, you say? A couple years ago I was sick and I played the game The Longing and I remember thinking it was the perfect stuck at home sick game.

I played The Longing when I wasn't sick, but the pacing felt worse than sluggish, so it was a quick refund.

See that's the problem. You have to be sick enough that you need everything to move at a snail's pace. Lol