Bloomberg - Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings to – 30 points –

Xbox is offering voluntary severance agreements to producers, quality assurance testers and other staff at ZeniMax as part of a broader cost-cutting initiative


Wow it’s almost like buying up half the gaming industry and then producing literally nothing wasn’t a great idea.

broader cost cutting

They're just stripping everything down to save money, as every company that ever buys another company does.

This was entirely predictable (plus, they purchase IP, not people).

Shutting down entire studios should not be a part of normal cost saving.

If it was me, I'd take the deal. They obviously don't give a shit about even their successful teams.

Me too. The writing is on the wall, especially if you're at a small studio working on "small" games like Ninja Theory or Double Fine.

Spencer said that “the thing that has me most concerned for the industry is the lack of growth.”

Oh hey there's that Rot Economy thing again.

Why are they targeting Zenimax so heavily, don't they have 50 other acquisitions they can suck the blood from

Give it a year. Thankfully Toys for Bob was able to buy themselves out, otherwise surely they would have either been shut down or put to work in the Call of Duty mines.

Welp, reckon it's time I take my happy ass down to the local used game store and sell my Xbox. Thing's collecting dust anyway. I think I'll get a new camera lens instead.