Google Cloud accidentally deletes cutomer’s online account due to ‘unprecedented misconfiguration’ to – 79 points –
Google Cloud accidentally deletes UniSuper’s online account due to ‘unprecedented misconfiguration’

The customer was UniSuper, a $125B Superfund. It was not the confused Grandma in the thumbnail.

lol I was scratching my head at that choice as well.

I think maybe the grandma in the picture is supposed to represent one of the pensioners with an account at UniSuper who couldn’t access their account for a week due to the outage

It just goes to show that depending on one provider is poor. Here they did the tight thing and had backups with a different provider, despite having geographic redundancies with google cloud.

They say it was a one of a kind misconfiguration but I havnt seen anywhere what that was. Could it be as simple as a payment error and enaiks going to the wrong address?

@hitmyspot @canpolat

This will likely hit UniSuper's bottom-line. I just know that in an effort to reduce costs and save the company they will layoff alot of people including the team that pushed for 3rd-party backups. The same team that is saving their ass right now.

I doubt it. This Those was just the customer facing portal, not the actual investments. The misconfiguration has already been blamed and if they are calling it unique, they will likely see it as blameless or at least low responsibility rather than the lesson that proper configuration is required.

I just wonder how the hell you manage to 'accidentally' delete an entire tenant lol, it's not an easy thing to do even normally

"account being deleted, something that had never happened to Google Cloud before."

10$ says this has happened before but to a tiny customer who couldn't get google to care.