Top US ethics watchdog investigating Trump over dinner with oil bosses

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Top US ethics watchdog investigating Trump over dinner with oil bosses

The result will be “Look, he’s even more unethical than you thought, but nothing’s going to happen.”

I don't see how that's possible. Cruella De Vil would be preferable.

Nice. A completely toothless group of people performing a pointless and inconsequential exercise to determine whether someone everyone knows is unethical is, in fact, also unethical for doing this other thing.

We must maintain the appearance of giving a shit lest the peasants catch on!

Unironically, though; There's a lot of work to do restoring the norms of governance that made America seem "exceptional". We might still be the biggest dog in the room in terms of real power, but our soft power is a shadow of its former self.

“For him to say, ‘I’m doing it because you’re giving me the money’, is a quid pro quo, but to say, ‘I’m going to do it, so you should want me to get elected’, is not.”

Unless they have a recording if him overtly soliciting a bribe, nothing will come of this. Yes, it's another example of why he's a sleazy unethical shit stain, and we all know he's going to sell out our country and our future if given the chance. But it's not even in the top 20 reasons not to elect him, and I doubt anyone who still supports him will care.

Even if they have a recording…

What are they gonna do? Waggle their finger at him?

They are going to give twice the number of warnings before rolling over and giving up on ever holding these shitstains accountable.

‘Ethics’ has been postponed indefinitely, brought to you by the party of law and order

Before you rush to blame yet another investigation for not bringing any consequences to Trump, this isn't an actual regulatory entity and they have no authority to enact consequences anyway.