Illegal border crossings dip to lowest level in over 2 years

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 54 points –
Illegal border crossings dip to lowest level in over 2 years

"Wait, we're actually trying to go to Texas?! Fuck this noise, I'm heading back."

They are trying to get to Canada, Texas is in the way.

canada has much stricter immigration policies than we do - buddy of mine had a kid with a canadian so he moved up there. skilled guy, owned his own carpentry business here in the states (aka not a destitute immigrant who cant speak English or French) - it took him over 5 years to get citizenship. it takes a lot longer for random immigrants, and canada doesnt have a guest-worker program like germany does. they dont want more citizens

So it's almost back to the level that it was before Biden took office. Good work I guess?

What are the numbers of illegal immigrants that have crossed the border in those "over 2 years" compared to the 2 years before then?

probably some ridiculously high number.

How good are the downvotes for me literally saying what the numbers actually represent lol.

The article says it’s the lowest number since his first month of taking office. If it was lower than at any stage during the previous term they would have mentioned that. They didn’t.

thing is, up/downvotes dont really mean anything. lemmy isnt reddit, there's no fake internet points to hoard or protect.

Yeah I know, it’s just an indicator of the bias of the posters in here. The democrats literally celebrating getting the number of illegal border crossing immigrants almost back to the levels of the previous administration, admitting that it has been higher for the entire current administration, yet people in here are eating it up and downvoting me for raining on their self congratulation parade with facts.

it’s just an indicator of the bias of the posters in here.

I'm sorry you're being forced to be here.