AI Isn’t Banning Books in Iowa Schools. Republicans Are. to – 148 points –


To underline Blanchfield’s point, the ChatGPT book selection process was found to be unreliable and inconsistent when repeated by Popular Science. “A repeat inquiry regarding ‘The Kite Runner,’ for example, gives contradictory answers,” the Popular Science reporters noted. “In one response, ChatGPT deems Khaled Hosseini’s novel to contain ‘little to no explicit sexual content.’ Upon a separate follow-up, the LLM affirms the book ‘does contain a description of a sexual assault.’”


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As a non American I absolutely do not care. How do I make content like this not show up on my feed without unsubscribing to Tech Beehaw?

Don't get too comfortable. This nonsense is coming soon to a government near you.

You mean when they burn books and shout 'heil Hitler' I should do sth?

I mean I’m American and I’ve been looking for a technology community that actually posts cool and fun tech stories instead of apparently assuming every bit of tech is the anti-Christ incognito.

If anyone happens to find one let me know, because I feel like the only people that care enough to post here, care in the wrong direction and fucking hate all things technology.

This isn't tech to begin with that's probably why. It's politics. Whoever posted this should have it removed for posting in the wrong place.

So many questions!

Are you suggesting that the political aspects of technology shouldn't be discussed in a technology community?

Are you implying that technology is apolitical? That there are technology subjects to discuss that don't have a political component?

Do discussions of the applications of technology not belong in a technology community?

I simply said in response to someone else that was frustrated about this sort of content in the technology instances, that I agreed this particular article doesn't belong here. As for what you said, it seems you are pulling meaning out of thin air and trying to apply it to me in bad faith which I do not appreciate so I will not be answering those things. You can certainly see other comments that seem to agree with that stance, as well as this being a junk/clickbait article so maybe you could ask them instead.

The guy you're trying to pass the buck to, money_loo, is from a lemmy instance that only has Chicago sports communities and whose front page is mostly federated meme posts. You're a BeeHaw user. You've presumably read and agreed to the Beehaw community documents.

I expect more than anti-intellectualism from you.

I’ve been here a month now and that doesn’t seem to stop them, lol. At one point I was subbed to like five different tech communities, and I had to unsubscribe from three so far. This one is getting closer everyday.

You could use word filters, for this case "Republican".