Trump Voters Trust Ex-President More Than Their Family and Friends: Poll to – 1225 points –
Trump voters trust ex-president more than their family and friends: Poll

Former President Donald Trump's supporters say they hold him as a source of true information over their family, friends, and religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll out on Sunday.


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I still wonder Jonestown was a hostage situation and the members of the cult were coerced at gunpoint to drink poison to avoid being tortured to death by the CIA.

No, it was a cult.

Everything you know about them you learned from the government.

I learned what cults were from the 6 years of religious school I went to. According to literal classes I took on cults, Trumpism is a cult.

Sure, but I never said otherwise. Do you think I'm a Trump supporter?

I didn't learn about Jonestown from the government. You're staying to sound a bit like a cultist yourself.

Who did you learn about it from? Where did they get their information?

No, everything I learned came from private enterprise.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night.

You sound like a government plant stranger. I’m going to listen to myself, not your lunacy.

Did you listen to the recordings? Sounded more like a hostage situation than people expecting to be raptured.

Nice try dude, go spook someone else.

There's no sand here. You'll have to go elsewhere if you want to bury your head.

If you told me grass is safe, I’d wear shoes.

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If there's insufficient evidence of your theory, in both quantity and quality, then it isn't rational to believe it.

Ditto. If the source of your information is the sworn enemy of all competing cultures, you have no information

For anyone following along, this is 100% what propaganda tries to do. Tells you not to trust anyone but them, tells you everyone but them lies. This is classic state actor behavior.

I didn't tell anybody to trust me. I'm telling you to question your own cult of authority. If you think the US is any different than any other cult, it's because you're brainwashed.

A demonstrable lie. I don’t trust government actors.

Yet you accept the Jonestown story uncritically.

I reject your story. I don’t trust the government.

False dichotomy. My alternative version of events comes from lack of trust in the government's narrative.

Yeah, sure dude. Then why do are you arguments ring of being a government actor?

I don’t see any dichotomy here. You just work for the state.

In hospice, we call what you're going through the denial, bargaining, and anger stages of grief. The truth is, you have no logical way to counter my proposal.

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It was, in fact, a cult. The only people you could reasonably assume were "hostages" were the children that were forced to drink cyanide because they didn’t understand what was happening. You can hear them on the recording.

There were people who left Jonestown that spoke about the practice sessions. Most people were not in any way forced to drink it because they were brainwashed.

You can actually hear a lot of people crying, not just the children. You've heard it was a cult, but all that information was filtered through the US government.

It's really convenient that you can simply refuse any information as it being from the government with no proof because it allows you to never be wrong.

It's really convenient that you can simply accept any information from the government with no proof because it allows you to never be wrong.

Right, but you never said anything about the people that left Jonestown who talked about their experience. Were they government agents?

Nothing from this Times article conflicts with my alternative narrative. In fact, it supports the idea that they were rounded up and exterminated. Maybe Jim Jones was in on it, or maybe he was a hostage too.

So, which part of that article suggests the CIA forced them to drink poison?

It doesn't name the CIA. It does suggest they were rounded up by some kind of enforcers against their will. I was asked about the perspective of the survivors. I answered that the only conflict I see the common belief that they killed themselves willingly.

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