Trump Jokes about fleeing to Russia to – 257 points –
Trump jokes about flying to Russia after bond set in Georgia case

(Apologies for yet another Trump post.)

But given his court appearance Thursday, just funny how he'd start joking about this. I wonder if he actually would, and what would follow. I mean, how would he try to spin it?


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I mean, him running away to Russia would split Republicans even more. He'd still have his dedicated followers, but it would cause even more of a fight regarding DeSantis and others.

I'm trying to decide which would be more chaotically beneficial for the rest of us, him going to jail or fleeing.

Good question. I'm not sure how truly attached his followers are to him, but if they are really that tied to him and his media ecosystem, I think it would be worse for him to be in Russia. It brings a whole new loyalty into the mix with those folks.

Who knows, maybe the US will get lucky and all of Trump's followers will follow him to Russia?

I’m not sure how truly attached his followers are to him

They'll take a bullet for him and die with a smile. That's how attached.

Their position on Russia is one of the more ridiculous contortions for Trump fanatics. They claim to hate communism and love freedom and yet their daddy sold out to the Kremlin so they have to find ways to act like they wanted us to be Russian apologists all along.

There's no inconsistency in hating communism and loving Putin's Russia, since Putin and today's Russia have nothing to do with communism.

Granted, but I don’t think they can really discern the difference

The crazy thing is that the reason why communism sucks is that (at least currently) it requires totalitarianism to implement it. And that comes with a lot of issues. Communism in theory looks like utopia. Russia no longer is communist, but it absolutely is totalitarian, but according to them that's somehow good.

Also what I noticed is that those tankies on lemmygrad, aren't really pro communism, they are pro totalitarianism.

There's a whole bunch of MAGAts who are pro-Russia. Just listen for the anti-Ukraine rhetoric, then go check their voting patterns.

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