House Republican Says Move To Oust McCarthy ‘Inevitable’ If Speaker Works With Democrats On Shutdown Deal

Flying to politics – 194 points –
House Republican Says Move To Oust McCarthy ‘Inevitable’ If Speaker Works With Democrats On Shutdown Deal

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Really sad the GOP has the better "Brand" when in reality they're just Nazi's

That's exactly it. Their Branding is impeccable.

What is annoying as all hell is that Democrats like to portray themselves as the younger, hip party and young people love to pretend that they are savvy when it comes to marketing. So if they are so savvy with marketing, then why the hell is Democratic branding so damn bad?? Why are moderates and liberals so clueless when it comes to connecting with voters? That's all part of being a savvy brand. And yet the old and stodgy GOP outmaneuvers them constantly when it comes to image.

It's harder to market to smart people than dumb people

Harder? Maybe, but definitely not impossible. Not even close. There are a lot of smart people that have fallen for this clown. That's what charisma and propaganda and one's environment can do to someone. It is powerful and scary stuff.

I don’t know. If the people are smart then they would know who to vote for right?

Democrats like to portray the Party as progressive, but progressivism is really just window dressing for the Democratic party. They like that progressive ideas get them followers, and sometimes a few progressives get elected (often opposed by their own party), but in general the party is Center Right with some moderate trappings.

Which is why it is so ineffective. This is by design.