Windows Updated and is Pushing More Stuff to Mildly – 819 points –

I find this mildly infuriating, I only use Windows for work, I even personally purchased Windows 11. Local account and disabled as much as I could. I personally do not like Windows or Windows in general.

Well, now I do an update and they throw this up like I need to walk thru these steps (again). Not even a "Skip"/"Don't remind me again". Windows is not what it used to be and after disabling half the Microsoft stuff I'd expect not to be bothered again. It's really a built in ad more then anything.

2023-08 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5029351)


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The thing that really rubs me the wrong way about all this is we pay for Windows, I have 3 licenses for Windows 11 and it's gotten so annoying that I don't even use them anymore. I've been a Linux user for quite a while already and between Microsoft's doing more and more data collection, and more ads, I just walked away from it a couple years ago. Fortunately, I was in a position where I could do so. I feel bad for folks that must use Windows for this or that and can't escape it.

You just have to pick your poison. Windows is easy to use. I don't want a walled garden ios machine, nor do I want to spend 2 hours on a forum trying to troubleshoot every little thing on Linux.

I have used both Windows and Linux extensively, and although Linux used to be a serious amount of nonsense to get stuff to work, it's not like that any more. I spend similar amounts of time troubleshooting on each. Help for Linux sometimes is better. If you end up on the Microsoft answers forum, good luck to you, because it means the real answer is buried somewhere on the Internet, if it's there at all.

Agree , ubuntu, mint and popos are just works distros with max number of apps available , flatpak ( tho controversial in the linux community) has also given good option for just works distros to be user friendly ! My non technical family members have been using linux for years now without any issues !

That's not really how Linux is now. At least not Ubuntu varieties

If I had a dollar for everytime someone said Linux isn't bad now is be living on Mars.

What you're really saying is your needs are simple and you've managed to get what you need.

This does not translate to everyone as others might have more complex needs than you.

TrackIR is still a nightmare on Linux, and searching for help with that reveals about 10 situations where no one got a good result and one person who seemingly got lucky.

Another issue is MS Office. Formatting and macros get broken by FOSS alternatives so don't even go there.

There are at least a dozen more issues (NVIDIA, difficult hardware etc ...).

Suffice to say everytime someone pops up saying it works now just starts looking silly.

Until we get native support and better documentation and testing Linux is still an outlier for anything more than basic productivity or gaming in a bubble.

maybe I'm naive but I have a hard time believing msoffice macros are a major part of most business' workflows. any serious application is going to be working in a scripting language from a database. if you're still dependent on Ms office macros your business needed to retool a decade ago.

I can't speak to the other ”problems” you detailed, but if the msoffice complaint is any indication, I strongly recommend you find a new company and fast.

All it has to do is affect one person that needs that feature and it's a no go for that person.

It is rare for me but it is still an issue.

Formatting being broken is an even worse issue and happens far too often.

Lotta words to say you support windows and fear other oses

comments like these are why the linux userbase is both its best and worst feature.

I'm not sure who's more obnoxious, a vegan or a linux user.

It's not surprising that someone who clearly hates vegans would say the same shit about Linux. You're basically the type that's mad at people who think. How many times have you called someone a "college boy"? A non zero amount I'd imagine

I don't hate vegans, I hate the sense of superiority that majority (but not all) of them seem to have. Instead of trying to find common ground and talking about the issue, they alienate themselves from others. You're exhibiting exactly that behavior.

And for what it's worth, I don't think I've ever used the phrase "college boy".

i have a degree but i live in a college town so i'm going to start using it.

As a Linux user I can tell you that I run into plenty of issues no matter what distro I use. I still prefer it over windows.

Exactly this. Tried Linux mint a while but everything was a hastle for me as a new user. Every program I wanted to install had a different method to do so. I ended up not much using the laptop where I installed it on. A pity, I love alternative software.