The domestic slaves rescued from London’s richest streets to World – 356 points –
The domestic slaves rescued from London’s richest streets

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Honest Question: Can't they just go to the Police? I mean it looked like they can just leave the House. Can't they go to the nearest Police station?

The victim may want go to the police however they don't have any documents to prove that they are in the country legally. Those documents such as passports, visa, etc. were all stolen from them by the person who has them as a slave.

The victim thinks if they go to the police, they will be deported from the country.

Edit: Most slaves tend to be foreign workers who come into a country on a visa. Other situations include women being domestically trafficked for sexual purposes or victims who experience tremendous amount of pressure not to talk to the police for fear getting in trouble with the law even though they are a citizen or don't realize that they are slave.

Ah okay! That makes sense. Thank you. I don't know why people react so hostile to my question ._.

Think of it in the same respect as someone who is kidnapped and held for years. It's not as easy as walk out the front door and go tell someone and all is better.

I tried that but my first thought was go to the Police. (because it looked like they can leave the House) But there I obviously a reason I missed and that's why I asked 😅 Other People where so kind to point out that they might fear deportation which was a point I was not aware of. My imagination can only cover things I'm aware of. And I don't really know much about modern slavery and the circumstances around it. Which was again why I asked.

Why did that get downvoted? I was just asking a Question about a topic I don't understand. I was not saying anything controversial ._. I was just confused about the situation.

Rational discussion is usually frowned upon on sites like these.

Unless you're talking about something technical, society's issues usually fall under the 'you're either with us, or against us' category.

There is no in between and you have to pretend you know everything.

Honest question: did you comb your hair with a hammer or did you take a swig from a jug of paint?

Steals my Joke. Doesn't give an answer.

The answer can only be that you lack the capacity for critical thought. And you don't read articles. And you're likely pretty stupid.

What is your Problem? You just started to insult me out of of nowhere without any context! Are you just here to annoy people who want to learn about a topic? Btw. the Article was a Video. Which I saw. Seems like you haven't SEEN the Video.

What article? It's a video you pratt, which means you didn't watch it either.

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