Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll to politics – 531 points –
Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll

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When so many people make comments like this and "basket of deplorables", is it any wonder that so many people are so enthusiastic about Trump? It's clear to them that people like you think very little of people like them, and they see him as "their guy". Turns out people don't like it when others make sweeping generalizations by calling them, and nearly half the country, evil.

They actively call my family members "pedophiles" for being gay. I don't like it when they make sweeping generalisations and call my family evil.

So forgive me for thinking you're a reprehensible person if you support a person as vile as Trump. He started the mudslinging, not us.

"I don't like people who are actively supporting a bigoted criminal trying to get more power."

"See, this is why they are supporting the bigoted criminal."

Okay then...

Everyone is responsible for their reprehensible behaviour but them.

I am not responsible for conservatives abhorrent attitudes. If someone pointing out how absolutely shitty you are being makes you even more shitty, that is entirely on you.

It is kind of telling how emotionally fragile republicans are based on how the deplorables comment devastated them.

They're not the bad guys! They just support the bad guys!

And this is why democrats throw on the shocked pikachu face every election they lose. When you shit on a person for years, have kneejerk reactions to whatever they think and generalize half the population, don't be shocked when they don't vote for "your guy". Also, your slightly racist grandma will go out and vote every time, when your asses won't.