Biological rule to – 1159 points –

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It's funny, because two male electrical plugs will still pass electricity fine if you put them together.

What a wonderfully specific meme

i made it myself uwu

Omg i cant believe a real artist is talking to me 😲

Fr tho kudos on the hand made meme, youre out here doing the good work

omg thank you! it is so easy though. as you can see by the watermark, just use imgur or other services ^^

And here i am cutting photos out of magazines like a chump. 🤣🤣

Any two things can produce a spark if you rub 'em together


It's..not gay if your electrons don't touch? 🤷

Ah, who cares if it's gay, come here and let's have some fun, that's all that matters


Labels can be useful, but I'd rather get tangled in each other instead of them

Yeah, that's much more fun lol

What's that game where you're on a mat with coloured dots and have to touch different ones with your hands and feet?

That, but naked. Sounds like a good time

Yeah, naked Twister is a classic 😁

Twister, that's the one, yeah. Never played it, sadly

Same. It's not really big in my country, but I've always wanted to try it..

Yeah, no one really has it here either. I mean, don't need a game to press and rub our bodies all over each other, but it would be way more fun like that

I am not an engineer, but I've heard hardware stores will refuse to sell anything to you if you are trying to make a cord that's male on both ends due to that being a crazy dangerous fire hazard

But still, plugs aren't people anyway...

On that note "Oh but a key that opens any lock is more impressive than a lock that opens for any key."

"Yes, but my vagina isn't a lock, it's a hole... and your penis isn't a key, and it sure as hell isn't unlocking me without my say so."

Ah, the famous death cable.

There is a reason why all wall plugs are female.

Assuming you plug it into the same receptacle or one that is on the same phase, nothing happens. Stupid for sure, don't do that, but it's already wired that way in the wall, you aren't short circuiting anything with a cable like that (also assuming you didn't mix up the neutral/hot wires when you made the cable). USA outlets at least. I don't know about the rest of the world.

Pretty sure no one at home Depot knows or cares enough to stop you from buying something

Well except one is 120 volt, 60hz and the other is 220 volt 50hz