The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

Flying to politics – 1618 points –
The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

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Well it's about to be topped.

I wont be participating. wake me up when the criminal is behind bars. everything else is posturing.

I'm pretty sure a trial to put someone behind bars is the opposite of posturing.

People who think the legal process is just postering sound very similar to Trumpers to me.

Yeah I mean I was talking about the broadcasts not the legal process but ok buddy whatever you say idc

Let me say the obvious part: Trump's cult has already intimidated lawmakers, witnesses, prosecutors, civil servants and judges. They decried this as a witch hunt before they even knew the facts! They stormed the Capitol to keep trump in power! They are talking about jailing his political opponents and instituting a genuine dictatorship! This must be open to all and published as it happens...

"Posturing"!? You know words have meaning, right...?

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