DeSantis voted against Sandy aid a decade ago. Now his state needs the help. to politics – 498 points –

Florida’s Republicans have a complicated relationship with disaster aid.


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And they can have that help because we are not them.

Well, yes. But I think we should maybe make desantis jump through a few hoops before helping with his mansion. You know. Just to, make sure he gets the message. ("Don't be an ass")

More like every campaign ad that runs against him should make sure everyone knows he voted against aid before. And still aid was sent to Florida. And it was because of that aid, not him that more lives were saved. Because if he was in the opposite shoes he wouldn’t do a thing

... yes. but... I don't feel like beign reasonable. I want to see DeShitStain get wrecked. (just not at the cost of anyone else.)

That'll go over his head.

Pretty much everything goes over his head, it's one of the drawbacks of being so short.

I am getting pretty tired of bailing out people who built in a place that gets hurricanes on a pretty much anual basis, though... Makes me think what they should start doing is refusing to pay for rebuilds- and instead just buy them out and turn the beach/whatever over to a patchwork of national 'forests' or something.

I disagree. He is an incredibly intelligent person. He just lacks any sort of shame or moral fortitude and believes that whatever it takes to enrich himself is justified.

.....grrrrrreat idea... yes... help

blood vessel pops

We should give the aid, but all of it through federal channels. Like just completely bypass desantis, send FEMA in and set up themselves. Help the people, not their governor.

If desantis declared a state of emergency, that might actually be possible.