It's not just you — no one is posting on social media anymore to – 959 points –

Social media is on the decline. Instagram is all ads. No one's posting on BeReal. TikTok is for influencers. The new place for sharing: group chats.


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I still visit Reddit but I no longer engage in any way, other than reading comments. No up/down voting, not commenting, no reporting spam. Nothing but reading with multiple layers of ad-blocking.

PS: the overall quality/value has dropped precipitously

I deleted all 6 of my accounts. I can’t upvote or comment and I like it that way. Reddit no longer values me as a content producer by eliminating my fav apps, so I no longer value Reddit.

I have used it just a handful of times where adding "Reddit" to the end of a search would get me what I was looking for - usually "peer reviewed" options on some topic.

1 time I went for commentary on a niche reality tv show to feel validated in my hate for the designated villain.

I am not logged in and don't interact any further

I deleted my main Reddit account but still find myself going back there occasionally for specific topics. For example, I haven't found a good place on Lemmy to ask travel questions.

place on Lemmy to ask travel questions.

Good luck. One poster would ask if you like sex and travel, then tell you to "Go and get fucked."

Another would accuse you of being a bourgeois lib who is killing the planet with your capitalist excesses.

Another would go on a rant about privilege and how your very ability to ask such questions in a public space speaks to your total lack class consciousness and your ignorance of "The Movement" or something like it.

In short, check out Vang Vieng in Laos and have a great time.

People like this infuriate me. They don't clue in that travel decreases the fear and antipathy toward other cultures.

I read AITA on Lemmy via a bot, that is the last vestige of Reddit I haven't dropped.