For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it’s drawing outrage. to – 476 points –
For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it’s drawing outrage.

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There's a confederate monument with a huge coward's flag at mile marker 16 on I-24 in West Kentucky. I hate it and wish somebody would do something about it.

I-40 going thru NC around I think Morganton but I may be off on my towns there is a giant traitors flag right on the edge of the Interstate. Largest I have ever seen.

Also if you are ever in SC traveling toward the coast near Hilton Head you will get the luxury of seeing these billboards.

They call it the war of northern aggression. There “ain’t nothing civil about it”.

The South sure was civil after they had their asses kicked. That's about it though.

If I lived nearby, I'd take care of it myself.

It being on an interstate, pretty much anybody could be a suspect.

It's not like they have round-the-clock security for these places. It'd be pretty easy to just walk in at night and do the deed.

Could even be a fun team building exercise.

Shouldn't this be as simple as spraying something inflammable at the cloth and lighting it up? One needs a sprayer, a couple of canisters of gas (maybe diesel is better, though, cause gasoline evaporates too fast, various dangers due to it), and matches.

The flag is too high to spray with anything other a drone. There are some ugly stupid coward statues at the bottom.

Unrelated, did you know that thermite is nothing more than rust and aluminum powder?

There's nuance to that, though generally correct, and you also don't have to make it, I think it's available for purchase.