The Supreme Court’s Fake Praying Coach Case Just Got Faker

USA to politics – 422 points –
The Supreme Court’s Fake Praying Coach Case Just Got Faker

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Conservative litigators want this Supreme Court to expand a vision of religious liberty that abolishes the separation of church and state while granting Christians a freewheeling right to discriminate, often with public funding. They are seizing upon any case that will give the court this opportunity, with little concern for the truth of the underlying claims. And the Republican-appointed justices seem eager to twist reality into whatever shape necessary to give them what they want.

That's pretty damn scary what they are trying to do.


And they said we were over reacting, "that's fiction, we'll never try that"

They say that about … everything.

Abortion most recently.

They're proposing a national ban! It was supposed to be a 'states rights' type of issue, but here we are. Give them an inch (2.5 cm) and they'll take a mile (1609 m)

Well, none of them have walked a mile recently, so they’ll take 200 feet and claim it was a mile.

Then they’ll look around and realize the mistake and take 200 more until they actually get there…

Time to become a high school football coach and have the kids face Mecca and pray 3 times a practice! They're gonna love this.

And just wait until I get to prove Yahweh is the same God in both religions in the Theocratic courts. Appeal to the pope to excommunicate them if they balk like the church did the Gnostics or Aryans for similar reasons.

They want to expand fake "religious freedom" by abolishing the real thing.