Google Chrome now targets ads based on your browser history, here's how to turn that off to – 636 points –
Google Chrome now targets ads based on your browser history, here's how to turn that off

Google is gradually introducing a new method for delivering targeted ads in Chrome that aims to bypass the controversy surrounding cookies by using browsing history instead. This...


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here's how to turn that off

... use Firefox? How are we still talking about chrome here?

Edit: yes I know many still use Chrome. That's exactly the problem. Google does shady shit, people shrug it off because insert whatever reason. Google likes that and plans the next shady shit. Rinse, repeat.

Many still use chrome

The popular choice isn't always the best one.

There are some people who may be forced to use Chrome, like for work or something. 8ts still useful information even if you believe people should not use Chrome willingly.

It's one of the major things people here on Lemmy like to talk about, I mean take a look at this comment section. Nothing but "use Firefox", "Google bad". While somewhat true, it's incredibly lame and monotonous.