Activists spray red paint over billionaire Walmart heiress's superyacht for a second time to – 1307 points –
Activists spray red paint over billionaire Walmart heiress's superyacht for a second time | CNN

Spanish climate activists sprayed red paint across a superyacht owned by billionaire Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie in Barcelona on Friday, the second time the yacht has been the target of protests in the past two months.


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I have an idea. Destroying it probably just gets written off from insurance.

Wash the boat with undiluted pine sol.

Literally no damage done to the boat will ever actually financially harm the bitchionaire. That's not the goal of protest - though it's certainly a bonus when it's achievable.

So it slips out of the water. Smart.

What does undiluted pinesol do?

Undiluted pine sol is the smell of pine, but it is incredibly strong, and takes forever to get rid of.

Back on reddit there was a story about some soldiers that resorted to it to "speed clean" the smell of their training facility. It's far more effective in an enclosed space.

You're right they shouldn't set fire to the boat