Alex Jones spent over $93,000 in July. Sandy Hook families who sued him have yet to see a dime to – 1236 points –
Alex Jones spent over $93,000 in July. Sandy Hook families who sued him have yet to see a dime

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Lol, I make 24k a year.

Oh god why? Is this a highschool-college or non-usa country thing?

I'm from Germany and I am just not really qualified xD.

What's the quality of life like on that salary in Germany? And is that in euro or USD? Honestly very curious.

It's EUR, so like 26k in Dollars or something like that. It's pretty ok, tbh, I can pay rent and spend on stuff I want here and there. It's pure speculation, but it's probably a lot more comfortable than if I would live in the US. I am definitely not poor or anything, but most of the people I know definitely earn more.

26k in the U.S. is definitely poor and you'd be lucky if you could afford an apartment by yourself.

26k in the US is the poverty line. For a family of 4. At least as far as the federal government is concerned.

That’s amazing to me. It’s me and my two kids, I’m lucky enough to have been able to recently purchase a house but up to six months ago we were living in a two bedroom 900 sq ft apartment and it cost $1300 a month. This is in Ohio, not anything I would think is high cost of living area. Boys were getting old enough that sharing a room and not having space apart was starting to present issues. Nothing bad just felt bad about our living situation. I couldn’t find anything with three bedrooms for under $2200 a month. How the hell does a family of four survive on $26k, seriously what do people do?

It was tight (bad-tight, not 90s-tight) trying to live in an American city on 40k/year.