US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it to politics – 659 points –
US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it

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Of course they don't believe it!

Democrats do a shit job at celebrating their victories and communicating with average Joes.

Also this asinine "liberal guilt" prevents anyone from the Left to ever enjoy anything for fear that there might be one person out there who isn't doing so well and it would hUrTiNg tHeIr fEeLiNgS. It is absolutely exhausting dealing with these people who don't want to accept that unemployment is at an incredibly low number, interest rates are still at historic lows, wage growth is at 40 year record, inflation is dropping, and the economy is indeed booming. Times are indeed good, regardless of what the vocal naysayers tell people.

Then mix in an endless stream of foreign agent trolls who are purposefully trying to spread misinformation before the election. Whether they are Russian agents or right-wing conservatives masquerading as progressives, they are trying to bring people down because apathy is one of the best tools that Republicans have to keep people home on election day. Low voter turn-out usually helps the GOP.

Put all that together and it isn't surprising that Americans don't believe that the economy is strong.

How does any of this lower my grocery bill? Or gas or rent or daycare? I just found out it will cost nearly $25,000 a year for my family's health insurance. How am I supposed to feel good about the economy when I hear that?

You're supposed to feel good about the health insurance profits which the ACA was supposed to be a major victory against but record-breaking profits continued anyway. Truly an economic triumph story.

Are we living in some planned economy where a single dictator can wave his magic hand and decree that things happen? Because that's what it sounds like you want.

Inflation was absolutely a problem, but the US saw lower overall inflation than most other countries and we reduced inflation faster than others. Last I checked the president didn't directly control the price of oil and milk and corn unlike what Fox News tells you.

If you want to complain about Healthcare costs, then where were you about a dozen years ago when the nation was debating Healthcare reform? The way I remember it, before the country started debating the issue all those people who just a few months ago were gung-ho on making big changes and wanted some kind of universal coverage, all of a sudden that support went quiet as folks started falling for the fear mongering by Republicans and the corporate propaganda by big business. Obamacare was the best comprise that could be negotiated at the time because the general public was too afraid of change. Even with that, Democrats have been negotiating with drug makers to reduce prescription drug prices, unlike what Republicans do which is always in the best interests of big business.

Are we living in some planned economy where a single dictator can wave his magic hand and decree that things happen? Because that’s what it sounds like you want.

The headline reads "US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it"

I agree that bidens power is limited but in that case he should stop trying to take so much credit while so many people suffer.

Motherfucker I voted for Biden and I think he's done a shit job. You'll seriously cry wolf about "foreign agent trolls" rather than accept that plenty of people have been disappointed with him? If this is the best that the DNC can do for their supporters, then they deserve whatever the MAGA fascists have planned for them.

Anything Biden is able to directly control, he's done a perfectly fine job at. You want to spread some misinformation bullshit that we live in a dictatorship where one person can decree that prices go down and automagically prices have to go down. That's not how reality works. That's not how any of this works.

Cry more about how you're so exhausted having to deal with people who's reality isn't as privileged as yours.

You make your own reality. Some seem to wallow in their ignorance or their laziness or their failures. Putting even a little bit of effort to better themselves seems like too much work for some. They don't want to help themselves, but they sure demand that someone else helps them.

You make your own reality.

You are an incredibly lucky person. Everyone is a victim of circumstance.