We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score | iFixit

111@zerobytes.monster to Technology@lemmy.ml – 544 points –
We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score | iFixit News

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Ok, so I can come change your locks then

No, you can't, because that isn't a good analogy. Those two situations are not at all the same, but I'll humor you.

The analogy you're making is like saying only the company who makes doors is allowed to change the lock on your door, and they're allowed to just stop offering the lock-changing service whenever they want. They also conveniently put a mechanism in so that whenever a third-party locksmith comes, your door falls apart. Your only option is to buy a new door, doorknob, frame, and hinge because your lock is worn out.

That's a bad comparison because I wouldn't let a random Internet stranger fix my phone either, but I would allow an actual locksmith to change my locks.

If you swap the faceid, you still need to unlock the phone with your passcode to re-enroll faceid.

I guess that’d be more like you changing the outside doorknob.

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