Trump Privately Frets He Could Be Headed to Prison to politics – 652 points –
Trump Privately Frets He Could Be Headed to Prison

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"Florida Man With 91 Felony Charges Worried He Might Serve Prison Time."

“Several millions of Americans worried he won’t”

To be fair, we're also worried that, if he does, his followers will go violent again. Not that this is a reason to excuse him him prison. It just means that it might not be all rainbows and puppies if Trump goes to prison. Our celebrations might be interrupted by home grown right wing terrorist attacks.

They won't go away if we pussy-foot around them.

I'm definitely not saying that we should go easy on Trump to appease them. We just need to keep in mind that Trump heading to prison won't be the end of this. We'll need be be ready to send those terrorists to prison as well.

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I'm definitely not saying that we should go easy on Trump to appease them. We just need to keep in mind that Trump heading to prison won't be the end of this. We'll need be be ready to send those terrorists to prison as well.

Only 91? Shit. AZ state and NJ federal indictments need to get here soon.

Is the NJ federal case about him stealing documents as well?

The audio recording of him allegedly showing off classified docs and admitting he hadn't declassified them took place in New Jersey.

Damn I thought that happened at mierda loco.