Families upended by school shootings share trauma in push for gun law changes, but get mixed results

GiddyGap@lemm.ee to politics @lemmy.world – 287 points –
Families upended by school shootings share trauma in push for gun law changes, but get mixed results

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I would like an explanation from some of the people here touting the Second Amendment as an end-all and be-all to explain why it is that only in the past couple of decades has there been a huge gun proliferation. Shouldn't the amount of guns have stayed relative to the population if this is only about the Second Amendment?

In my personal opinion, seems like a number of factors are at work. First, the second amendment has become more republican-coded, so republicans are probably more likely to purchase more guns than they would have. Second, the media's sensationalism has constantly increased, so a lot of people consider a gun to be a prudent option - either viewing many cities to be hellholes, and the only way they would travel there is with a CCW, or seeing crazy people fighting over COVID supplies and thinking "maybe they're coming for my toilet paper, better get a gun." Third, a lot of firearm-curious people see the rise of the republicans arming up and feel like they have no choice but to also get a gun.

One concerning element in all of this is that even though there has been an increase in guns, it doesn't seem like there has been a corresponding increase in gun ranges, so people are likely not achieving competence with their guns.

It's not about whether or not it checks out logically for you. That's libtard thinking. It only matters that the 2A nuts get as many phallic objects in their possession as possible so you know that they do manly shit real good.

Im not saying 2a is perfect but when you have actions like we see from CA and NM politicians, it gives more fuel for the crazies to say "Look they are coming to take our guns" Also an extremely large majority of responsible gun owners agree that there needs to be more protections in place but are quickly turned off as soon as someone says certain firearms or accessories will be completely banned.

That in no way explains what I would like explained. Unless you are saying the ridiculous amount of gun proliferation in the last couple of decades are because of those gun regulating politicians, which I find hard to buy.

I does actually. What drives people to hoard things when they see headlines that an item is in limited supply? See the similarity? FOMO for the American consumer is a heluva drug.

Except people aren't buying and hoarding a specific type or brand of gun. They're just buying tons of guns overall. So that doesn't make sense. If they were only buying AR-15s or something, that argument would work, but it doesn't track.

They didn't come for just a particular style of gun when they had the opportunity to come for guns. Look at New Orleans during Katrina, and you'll be looking at the image that every person is picturing when they think of the government and its pursuit of guns.

They’ve been told for years that the government is going to take their guns. The carnival barkers on talk radio or other right wing platforms continue to rant about government overreach taking their guns and how there’s criminals around every corner needing to be defended against.

In my opinion, it isn't even valid.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..."

Back then, a standing professional military was not expected. Militias were the expectation, be risen in times of need. This clearly is not true anymore, so the premise of the second amendment isn't true, which should invidate the rest, right?

I'm not anti-gun. I enjoy shooting them. I'm pro-regulation though. There should be requirements for training in their usage, proper storage and handling, and the legality of their use before anyone can purchase them. This should be funded by taxes to ensure poor people aren't less able to be armed than wealthier people.

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