MAGA rages over report Pentagon exempting Ukraine from government shutdown to politics – 540 points –
MAGA rages over report Pentagon exempting Ukraine from government shutdown

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War is not up for a vote. The war machine will continue to operate regardless of what the House of Representatives does.

Very true. Russia doesn't care what the US house thinks. They started the war after all. Russia continues to mobilize the war machine while the US fails to act decisively

The US fails to act decisively because they don't want the war to ever end. Give Ukraine just enough support to keep the war going forever, until Russia is bankrupt.

Do you not see the contradiction in your statement or are ya just stupid. Russia going bankrupt could be considered a victory condition. Especially if concessions such as Crimea can be forced in a peace deal.

Russia isn't going bankrupt.

What might happen is they just run out of bodies and the country collapses into civil war, 1917 style. Petrostates don't go bankrupt, they collapse violently.

Potato patoto, regardless Ukraine can claim victory. If Russia runs out of manpower and implodes id consider that a win.

You really don't care about Russian citizens and conscripts, do you? Do they deserve to die?

The citizens? Irrelevent, unless it can gain notable strategic advantages IE Dresden. The Conscripts? Yes. They could turn their rifles at any time they couldve draft dodged but they didnt, they deserve same as the Japanese, Germans, and Italians during WW2.

No no, I mean civilians are going to die if Russia actually collapsed like that. That's a bad thing.

I have the radical belief that death is bad. I guess liberals are too bloodthirsty for the flesh of "orcs" to remember the human cost of endless war.

Dude im a socialist, aint a liberal. I just happen to be bloodthirsty and of the opinion that a collapsed Russia is also a declawed Russia. They cant exactly conquer other nations if theyre balkanized.

Balkanization was a tragedy that resulted in immense suffering and immiseration of working people across the former USSR. It enabled total capitalist hegemony and ushered in our current new guilded age of inequality and imperialist superexploitation.

If you support making that even worse by destroying Russia and her people you aren't a fucking socialist. You're a Western chauvinist, supporting the US/NATO agenda of total domination over everything everywhere forever.

There can be peace without destroying Russia.

It aint chauvinism if I want to balkanize every country, just happens that Russia is at the top of that list . Also im ideologically descended from my ancestors philosophies, it just happens to align most closely with socialism.

Maybe im insane for wanting to devolve the world into a veritable Holy Roman Empire of political and national insanity. I just wish to see a second springtime of nations.

You just so happen to want to start with America's enemies, which will just so happen to increase America's geopolitical strength in Europe and Asia.

The USSR split up peacefully. Russia will not. Millions will die, and that's if they don't fire off all their nukes in their death throes.

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Always has been. We saw how Obama ran on an anti-war platform in the middle of the middle east wars. Then he continued and expanded the wars after being elected.

The liberals don't want to talk about that.

Gosh isn't it strange, conservatives never saw a war they didn't like until the one that's inconveniencing the Russian president in 2023.


Do you think the only people opposed to endless war in Ukraine are conservative?

conservatives and tankies. Not much difference between the two tbh. And both looooove sucking putin's dick

I want the war to end.

Dronies want endless war, that's why they love giving weapons to radical right-wingers. Once Russia is done, then America can spend another 20 years dealing with the new terrorist organizations that they spawned. Y'all did the same shit in Afghanistan - arm radical islamists to stop Russia and then start a war against the radical Islamists you armed. Win/Win!

The war could end at any time if Putin stops invading his neighbor. But you know this and just want to keep sucking authoritarian dick under the guise "but I want peeeeece" You're aware that everyone not radicalized like you can see right through that, right? Gotta love how you compare a country being genocided to "arming radical islamists" Pathetic.

Arming neonazis in Ukraine is essentially the same as arming Islamists in Afghanistan. The parallels are extremely obvious. It's even the same proxy war against Russia!

We can't control Russia's actions. We can control ours, and we should be pushing for peace talks. We won't, because dronies a frothing at the chance to defeat Russia and are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to make it happen.

And dronies pretend to be tolerant, but when frustrated they love to accuse people of "sucking dick". As if there something shameful or submissive about the act, as if it even makes sense as an insult.

Arming neonazis in Ukraine is essentially the same as arming Islamists in Afghanistan.

Ok, Kremlin. Gtfo Ukraine and there is peace. And there's far more Nazis in Russia or did we forget about the beloved Dmitry Utkin? Nobody bought people slurping up the Russian line ever took the neo nazi line seriously it's absolutely amazing that you people are still trotting it out lmaooooo.

We can’t control Russia’s actions. We can control ours, and we should be pushing for peace talks. We won’t, because dronies a frothing at the chance to defeat Russia and are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to make it happen.

I love how you guys got a new insult of "dronies" on top of "liberals" for anyone not a tankie too!

Why the fuck should we let an ally asking for help from being genocided just die and empower Russia even more? How is this "peace" of wiping someone off the map a good idea to you?

I love how you guys got a new insult of “dronies” on top of “liberals” for anyone not a tankie too!

What's the matter dronie, can't stand your own bullshit?

So you get to smear us as tankies, but when we reciprocate it's not fair! 😭

Why the fuck should we let an ally asking for help from being genocided just die and empower Russia even more? How is this “peace” of wiping someone off the map a good idea to you?

What the fuck do you think peace talks are? Peace talks don't mean we just let Russia steamroll the country, they mean we negotiate an end to the war.

You just want unconditional surrender from Russia, no negotiations and no concessions and no conditions, and they're pretty obviously not going to do that. At best you're just going to create a new DMZ like the one between the Koreas. At worst this shit escalates into another World War.

You just want unconditional surrender from Russia, no negotiations and no concessions and no conditions

Your phrasing here is extremely telling. Russia surrendering???? They are the aggressor and they had no right to invade and genocide. You want an unconditional SURRENDER from Ukraine. I want Russia to stop INVADING and GO HOME.

Okay so you're just lying now. I don't want Ukraine to surrender, I want a peace deal. That means both sides negotiate to find a compromise. Russia's invasion was unjustified and strategically pretty stupid, but that doesn't mean we just wage an eternal forever war until Russia collapses into civil war or everyone in Ukraine is dead.

Is all peace just surrender to you?

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Liberals love their covert homophobia don't they?

It's only homophobic if you think sucking dick is bad. Sucking the dick of someone literally genociding a country isn't homophobic, it's a statement of your values.

Nope, no matter how you try to paint it, it's a demeaning homophobic slur. You should be more concerned with the genocide that's happening here in the US with your presidents social murder

Nope, you don't get to decide that. I have a lot of gay friends (you are on this site so much I can instantly recognize you so I doubt you have very many friends at all) and I'm an ally. Sorry you're not gonna get that.

You should be more concerned with the genocide that’s happening here in the US with your presidents social murder

Omg you can only care about one thing at a time? Life must be really difficult for you.

I do get to decide that, you may call yourself an ally, but it's my community, I know homophobic dog whistles when I hear them.

You own the community? Youre a terminally online tankie. Meanwhile actually allies are out garnering support, attending marches and rallies, and actually advocating. If I do those things and that phrase is common language out in the real world community why the fuck should I take you seriously lmao?

The entire reason you brought this is up is to distract from your love of Putin and authoritarian regimes genociding smaller countries. I wouldn't be surprised if you were just a LARPer

You are no ally, saying you have gay friends therefore you can't be homophobic is like Republicans claiming they can't be racist because they know a black guy.

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There's never been a war that democrats didn't love or expand from 2 to 7.

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