Streaming giants have banded together for lobbying power to – 922 points –
Streaming giants have banded together for lobbying power

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Anybody can look these numbers up. I'm not sitting on some secret Bloomberg terminal LOL

Then why only mention revenue?

Because fuck Netflix, nobody believes for a minute they're not profitable and couldn't afford to pay writers and actors.

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I didn't realize people can't do a 10 second google search on their own. 🙄

Net income isn't the whole story anyways, especially when this article points out that one of their costs is lobbying for a cause that isn't necessary. They're raking in billions of dollars every year.

"just Google it, bro" is never a source.

Not my fault you aren't capable of typing 4 words into a search engine.

It's not a 'source', bud.


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I didn’t realize people can’t do a 10 second google search on their own.

You specifically chose to quote a sentence about profit and then provide a number that is not profit. What was the point of commenting at all if the number you provided had no relevance?

My quote:

streamers are currently being forced to reckon with their profitability — or lack thereof.


Your misinformed quote:

You specifically chose to quote a sentence about profit


There's a very important difference there that I think you're not built to understand.

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