Tensions erupt between McCarthy and Gaetz at closed-door House GOP meeting as shutdown nears | CNN Politics

TheOneWithTheHair@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 176 points –
Tensions erupt between McCarthy and Gaetz at closed-door House GOP meeting as shutdown nears | CNN Politics

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Then it's gonna suck to be in the Military or Border Patrol, and have to report for duty without pay. Especially when Congress will get paid.

There were about 1.4 million active military personnel in 2022.

CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) has more than 60,000 employees.

WIC served about 6.3 million participants each month in fiscal year 2022, including an estimated 39 percent of all infants in the United States. https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/wic-program/

Elected officials should be the last to get paid with no back pay if they allow this shit to happen willingly like this.

If only they weren't rich already and can weather it out easily.

That's the thing they get paid. They however shouldn't be allowed to leave the building until the shutdown is over and they reach a deal.

No where else can you completely fail and your job and keep it.

You get used to it. Republicans shut down the government every 2-4 years.

You misspelt "have a temper tantrum".

No the temper tantrum is pretty much constant at this point. That's how the GQP thrive, whip up their base to get angry against an imaginary bogeyman. Gay people, trans people, minorities, abortions, dems taking away guns, socialism, whatever. It's like that meme, they don't want to be informed they want to be angry.

It’s getting so bad that republicans are having temper tantrums from shit other republicans do (or in this case, don’t do.)

It’s hilarious. Geatz seriously needs to realize that if he doesn’t play ball and compromise…. McCarthy is gonna go with the dems. Which means compromise in the wrong direction; from his point of view.

I think the threat from Groomer Gaetz is if McCarthy compromises with Dems, Gaetz will initiate a recall on McCarthy.

well... yeah.

but that's not going to go anywhere. Gaetz doesn't have the votes to replace him. Gaetz does that... and that's even more influence and compromises with the dems. All this is going to show that the idiots in the freedom caucus don't understand the basic functions of the job.

They are not thinking multiple moves ahead. It's a slow boat but we can all see where it goes. In fact we could all see it months ago when McCarthy made the deal with the devil.

pretty sure we all commented on it then, too. They're playing checkers like a 4 yo still learning about rules and stuff...

It'd be funny if it wasn't going to hurt people. lots. it's going to hurt lots of people.

What would happen if all border guards just said "Well, I'm not getting paid, I'm not going to work." and just left the gates open? 🤔 I think that would solve the shutdown real quick!

As a practical matter, it would mean international flights to the US are halted. If you will recall the last time there was a shutdown and it appeared that TSA agents were going to walk off the job due to not being paid, they reached an agreement to end the shutdown pretty quickly.

Shhhh! If you tell conservatives that a government shutdown results in starving babies, they will never open it back up!