Trump pushes envelope with comment on the ‘poisoning’ of U.S. ‘blood’

Flying to politics – 495 points –
Trump pushes envelope with comment on the ‘poisoning’ of U.S. ‘blood’

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He had balanced charisma? When?

I've been around about the same amount of time he has and I've never seen it.

Did you know that Trump is extremely popular among Republicans? He throws these rallies and hypes up crowds of supporters. He's also really big on social media and at one point had a super popular Twitter account.

I'm surprised you've been around the entire time and haven't seen any evidence of his charisma!

I think balanced is the word they take issue with.

What is balanced charisma? I'm unfamiliar with the term and balanced is such a broad word it's hard to understand specifically what you mean. It almost seems like so many people hate Trump that any acknowledgement of his strengths are met with downvotes.

I can't explain what the other guy meant by balanced charisma. I was just commenting that, love or hate him, you simply cannot argue that he is balanced. The man is chaotic.

Whipping idiots into a frenzy by saying outrageous stuff isn't really charisma

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