They were told to leave their homes. They did. They were still bombed to World – 539 points –
They were told to leave their homes. They did. They were still bombed

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They have been horrifically oppressed for decades.

They have lived in constant fight for your life squalor while America keeps siphoning money and weapons to Israel, who, in turn, simply tortures Palestine.

I dont condone it, but I can't bring myself to fake outrage or surprise.

America caused this.

America needs to stop funding terrorists (Israel). It only breeds more terrorists (Hamas).

And at the end of the day, that was the point.

There is another armed conflict for American military contractors to cash in on.

America needs to stop funding terrorists (Israel). It only breeds more terrorists (Hamas).

Add to your list that Israel actively funded Hamas in the 90s to take the steam out of the Palestinian peace movement.

If the same kind of pressure being put on Hamas was put on the Israeli authorities, the problem with Palestine would've been over long ago, just like Appartheid in South Africa has made to end by international pressure, not because the assholes in power in SA woke up one day and decided to the do the morally right thing.

As long as Israel gets to keep its boot on the necks of Palestinians (worse, activelly helped to do so), there will always be people who are born and grow with nothing to lose for whom even an organisation internationally treated as a terrorist organisation is still a step up.

I totally agree it's the US who have maintained this situation, and I also want to add Europe, whose leaders have sided with Israel or assumed the kind of "neutrality" that "peace loving" "tankies" assume with regards to Russia's invasion of Ukraine (i.e. not wanting to help Ukraine).

What are you insinuating?

As far as I know Palestinians have rejected every Offer they have received and only went for the whole destruction of Israel.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

I’m gonna take half your house and if you don’t like it I’ll just try to kill you (royal you this is not a threat). On top of that I’m not just taking half your house down the middle. I’m taking the master bathroom, the en-suite, the kitchen, the study… actually I’m taking both bathrooms you can shit in the garage where you sleep from now on, also you can have the shed I guess. But you’re not allowed in the yard so you can’t actually go to the shed, just look at it and know that it’s yours. I promise I won’t store my tools in there when you’re not looking.

What’s that? You want a hose to drink from the garden spigot? No, I’ve decided that it’s in appropriate for you to have your own access to water. You can ask me for a cup when you’re thirsty.

Btw my cousin is moving in next week so you’re gonna have to move your shit to the left side of the garage

Have you seen what was in many of those offers? "How about we only steal this much of your land? How about that?"

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Your worldview is so fucked up. The reason Israel gets support is because if it didn't, the surrounding Arab nations would have wiped it out, as they have said multiple times.

It's like a bully attacks a little kid, and the little kid's older brother shows up to defend him, and then you saying, "the older brother caused this because he wouldn't let the bully beat up that little kid!"

You've got it all backwards man. Get help.

When the little brother starts slaughtering all of the innocent people who "are totally all bullies" and bombing their homes with impunity for 40 years with virtually no consequence, somewhere over those 40 years, the brothers became the bullies in the neighborhood.

Start using your brain big boy.

Stop regurgitating what Fox tells you to.

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