The news did it first to Lemmy – 281 points –

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I knew of the TikTok thing, but not being from the US I had no idea your news broadcasts are so... cramped with information

They're not all like that. Most of the local newscasts show one thing at a time.

The format pictured is something I've only seen in places like a doctor's waiting room, or at my deranged uncle's house.

That or on the 24/7 news channels which need a lot of filler and don't necessarily have interesting stuff to show

That's exactly what my deranged uncle watches. It's not been good for his mental health imo.

No you don't understand it's TikTok which is ruining our kids!!!! Trump is right!!1!

It’s not the same, TikTok is shit content crammed into a very small box where as the bullshit on Fox and whatever else is bullshit crammed into a much bigger box.

Yeah they’re both fucking trash but they don’t have the same impact over a long term, but go off I guess

You should see the Japanese TV then. It's not only cramped, it's completely different programs at the same time. I don't even know what the reaction clips are reacting to or which is the main program.

Yeah that's not a news broadcast, that's cable TV news

This would only be the 24 hour “news” networks that deliver entertainment and opinion under the guise of factual information. Local newscasts don’t often do this. However there are some ownership groups out there that try to model themselves after the big cable companies.